I've finished the storyline on ESO! Near the end you have to fight/quest in Coldharbour, which is a map similar to Orr. I really dislike the gloomy atmosphere so I stopped playing for a while but I recently picked it up again. Yesterday I reached veteran rank (level 50).
Wedding between the Silvernar and the Green Lady.
This is what happens when most people pick High Elves and you pick a Wood Elf to play with... I feel so small...
Cool armor during a quest.
A tree spirit.
Redguard temple/training grounds.
A big monster appeared so I backed off to, uhum, take nice screenshots...
We know.
Received my first Epic weapon!
I love the 'churches' on ESO.
Exploring Reaper's March.
The Khajjit's leader is named Mane. When the previous one got corrupted I helped two sisters to become the next Mane. A lot of important people from the storyline are gathered here to appoint the new Mane(s).
Cozy bandit cave.
That's not a barrel. It really isn't.
I joined some kind of tournament. I killed my opponents easily until this guy scared the crap out of me. Giants are BIG!
Khajiit... What are you doing...
Lagging during shield bash.
Beautiful foggy landscape.
Some caves are just too beautiful...
Smart Khajiit.
Every map has a boss. They're really difficult to defeat so it's better to not approach them alone. Sadly Im always alone so I observe them for a while before I charge (or I hope another played passes by...).
Choosing a new Fighter's Guild leader.
On an island for an important quest.
The leaders of every alliance discuss plans to enter Oblivion/Coldharbour.
Coldharbour. There's one save haven/city in the center of the map. At first I didn't like it but after a while I saw the beauty of the city.
More Coldharbour places.
Two identical dudes on each other?
Turned into a skeleton...
Aaaand turned into a monkey.
Cool shadows of chanting dremoras.
Another important meeting...
The cathedral in Coldharbour.
One of the skills you can select with your crafts is that every day an NPC sends you some crafting materials. They always have some text with them and some are rather entertaining.
Coldharbour library.
Click for spoilers!
On an island between Skyrim and Solstenheim. SKYRIM. SKYRIIMMM!