Cool rock in the sea I found.
It didn't take long for Gabriella to find a desert. I don't know how she does it... Our journey is finally over!
And I keep finding more pies.
My dogs.
My new house, a rainbow!
Caught Gabriella on making another pie hole, WITH chickens.
Found a flower in the depths of a cave.
Gabriella's whale house is surrounded by water and it prevents creepers from exploding on her walls. It made Gabriella think her house indestructible. One day a creeper got on the walkway to the house and blew a big hole.
New golem in my new house, he escaped later when a creeper blew up my walls.
Gabriella with her dogs.
Ghast in the nether.
We both got a bit tired of all the dogs barking in our houses so Gabriella built a house for all our dogs.
Enchanting table.
Right before I was planning to go to bed a couple of monsters attacked me and I accidentally hit one of Gabriella's dogs. He started chasing me. Gabriella started chasing the dog, trying to make it sit and a creeper started following Gabriella. I just ran and laughed the whole time. Eventually I ran into another creeper and it exploded on Gabriella and her dog, ending the chase.
We decided to search an end portal and found one! We built a house on the surface near the portal and went back to take a look at the ender dragon.
We figured out how to kill the dragon but didn't have the right tools with us. We both died and decided to prepare for a second try.
Meanwhile we found a donkey.
We searched for a second donkey and made a baby donkey.
A spawn box in lava, original.
A creeper somehow spawned in the new house.
We plan to find cats in a jungle sometime so sometimes we fish.
After loads of preparing we decided to go back to The End to kill the dragon. This time we had all the right tools and the fight went really smooth.
The dragon dropped an egg. After we figured out how to loot it we watched the credits. The credits were long but me and Gabriella decided to just make fun of all the names, it was pretty fun.
Our next goals are... Building a temple for the egg, searching cats, improving our enchanting table and loads more!