Ghost Alturan. Roar.
Leap of faith without auto-target is deadly.
I've been doing some fractals to get the mist stone that I needed for Madrew. I finished Madrew meanwhile! I totally forgot to take a screenshot so I'll show it some other time.
But even after getting Madrew I've been doing fractals because I STILL DON'T HAVE THE FRACTAL SPOON. WHY???
My new Asura Warrior, Shin Shiroe! He's all flashy and cool and such.
Evening chatting with Gab and Sam.
This amazing boss in fractals is already pretty difficult but to make it even more difficult most of us bugged out and we became invisible. Oh joy.
Halloween moon!
Gamer problems.
Yep, that's a mosquito Leas.
Trick or treat Asura kid (with the Mad King in the background).
We did our first Guild Trek with CoG and our team (Team Lethal!) had the fastest time for finding all 5 locations. We got rewarded with this awesome Killer Whale backpacks.
After CoF 3.
Me with Sam at Tequatl.
Me and Gab as bouncing trees.
When you use the jump pads at Tequatl with a transform you just walk through the air. Awesome!
A sort of look alike.
When joining Kaba in the Mad King's labyrinth I managed to spawn the labyrinth horror and drag it to the other boss, chaos!
More fractals. Still no spoon.
Heavy heritage set.
Sexy pants.
When you jump with a tiny Asura in front of a tall Norn, you just reach the chest!
Dancing at Tequatl.
Exploring with Shin.
CoG at Tequatl.
Sam's dredge mini and my skritt mini became very close.
Deadly boss at CoE 3.
Seraph Ghost! What's up with those humans becoming vengeful ghosts, seriously.
I've always been wondering what that bandit fort in Brisband Wildlands was. Now I finally got to go inside!
There's a new area called Silver Wastes or something. It seems to be much the same as Dry Top but I've only visited once really shortly.
Back to fractals!
Gab as an owl.
Leas statue.
Cool Necromancer.
Me and Gab on fire in HotW.
Very annoying fractals.