Aidan fell into the lava during the fight. Right after the boss got killed Smoer and Stelios got knocked back and fell in the lava too (but Stelios was too quick to waypoint).
Floating greatsword.
Cute Asura!
Cool Sylvari.
Exploring with Satan.
One time when camping for Tequatl this commander started standing on me. At first I thought it was just random or coincidence but later she started to dance on me. Weird.
Funny people.
Cool human.
Smoer has a lovestruck greatsword with a glowing heart. When she wears her Tybalt backpack it looks like he's alive! Cute!
Praying at a shrine. Apparently it gives you a bonus!
Bug at Tequatl. You can see the bone wall all the time but you can just run through it.
Crying at a vista in Orr. Damn you Orr.
Cool sky.
With guildies at Tequatl.
Waiting around in CM.
Moose is so cute, dancing with a frog.
Umm, guys?
Quaggans harassing me.
Finally did Arah with a teacher. He explained us everything so well! I have faith we'll manage to do Arah alone next time.
Yay, dancing.
A screenshot of a typo that turned out pretty funny.
Gab bought the ninja set. Looks so cool on her Elementalist!
More dancing yay!
With the guild at Tequatl.
A Graywolf!
Dancing at Tequatl
After failing a guild bounty in Southsun cove we followed Aidan to a Champion Karka!
Afterwards we took a dive...
Into lava! Aside from smoer who... failed.
Moose is so tall!
Something in the watahhh!
Hi there bunny.
Smoer's human warrior.
Hi there Shere Khan!
Living story quest.
Who do we have there!
People playing music! The Charr took out a lute later on.
Fighting side by side with Smoer.
And dying together.
Ranger has a new look!
Gabriella bought the cook's set.