Ascalon Catacombs run with my Warrior. Here I'm about to play bait for a lot of gravelings.
Killing the boss didn't go that smooth. At a certain point only me and Aidan were alive. I played bait (again) while Aidan revived the rest. It was quite fun actually.
Everyone is catching up on the rule that you have to wear pink in dungeons when it's past midnight. Here's our usual team: Aidan, me, Smoer and Gabriella.
Ever since we discovered about the royalty oozes we go kill them each time we do CoF path 3. We also realized that if you run up to the King and Queen and then run back down that there's an extra champion! We call him Prince Ooze.
For the first time EVER did we fail at the boss of Twilight Arbor. You can kill this boss really easily by standing behind him and range attack him. Me and Aidan are quite stubborn though and we try to melee him (which also goes faster). It's much more difficult though. When we died the other tried to revive us. That resulted into everyone being dead. Haha.
Stalking Smoer's Elementalist. Found her hugging a chicken. Okay.
Exploring with Aidan.
Since Smoer had never done fractals before and me barely we decided to give it a go. Charr mesmers look like ballerinas...
In one fractal there were rolling fire balls which you had to pass. When I passed and was waiting for the others I was checking skype quick. When I came back half the party was dead. Apparently Smoer died and the other died to revive her but died too.
Some parts were rather difficult but we had a good team and managed!
Dancing after fractals.
My thief, Back Window, holding rituals or something.
Aidan got himself stuck in a cage.
'Displaced Spirit' who bugged a whole event by being stuck in a tree.
Me and Aidan finally were courageous enough to try Aetherblades. Everything went really smooth until the last boss. We had to give that one a couple of tries. We were lucky that we had such an amazing team and that no one gave up!
I'm explaining tactics here.
When we were about to get the chests Aidan disconnected and Tabor got lost so we didn't manage to get all chests. I got stuck in a room with a chest, hehe.
Waiting for Tequatl.
Me and Aidan decided to jump off Rata Sum and died. Fabulous.
Not so fabulous when I logged in the next morning.
When I joined a CM run with some guildies TWO of them disconnected and didn't come back. In the end we killed the boss with only 3 man.
My thief, Back Window.
Gathering in Citadel of Flame.
Royalty oozes!
Died at the end of the exploding balls part.
Strawberry undies???
After we did CoF run path 3 we decided to do the exploding balls part in reverse. Gabriella was first to pass and went back to do it a few more times. I was second, Aidan third, Erik fourth and Smoer made it as last one in the end! Dying made us naked so we had a naked party (specially for Smoer).
First time in the dps group at Tequatl. Exciting!
And dying in CoE at the last laser. I almost made it!
Me and Aidan as Ettins.
Got this pig from a guildy! Thankyou!
Friendly gold spammer.
Screenshots from Smoer!
Screenshot from Aidan!