- Leasandro, my guardian, is level 80 now.
- I completed world completion with Ameser (mesmer).
- I completed story with Leasandro
- Smoer's Ranger is almost 80
- My Norn Elementalist is level 45!
Time for screenshots!
Beautiful poem from Gabriella.
Exploring with Smoer, Seal and Aneesa, all Norns!
Norn Queen Seal.
I bought Gabriella a harp!
Björn pays a visit.
After a successful guild bounty. With a guild bounty you have to find and kill an npc that's walking around on a random map. It's pretty challenging but a lot of fun. When we succeed we get points for the guild or something.
Aneesa doesn't only turn into chairs, she also turns into glowing plants when she feels like it.
Beautiful scenery.
When I logged in one day I saw a cute little quaggan running around me...
Quaggan turned out to be the biggest Norn I've ever seen.
One for Seal, it's time for you to change guilds! There is a guild named the clubbing Seals!
Norn medium cultural armor. Weird mask.
Trying to get Lion's Arch back from Scarlet!
Loads of difficult bosses...
We did it! Lion's Arch is free!
Another guild bounty.
Killing the Steam Ogre champion with some guildies.
Exploring Orr with Shadi. Orr is awful! When you run around you get random horrible conditions on you applied by risen who run around EVERYWHERE. There are barely safe spots!
Normal reaction when I run into Quaggans.
Hanging out with Alyss in Orr... Because we can!
Exploring with Gabriella.
Once when I was trying to get some points of interest and vistas in World versus World I ran to Garrisson because there was a big fight going on. I hoped my server was capturing it. When I arrived there I realized there was a fight between the other two servers going on. I took some distance and watched the fight. Twice a single person tried to kill me but I just dodged their attacks. It was really funny!
EXCLUSIVE. This is what Mark looks like without a helm. You're welcome!
Hanging out after a guild bounty.
Me as a golem for story.
Chilling in Arah.
Everyone dead except Seal with Clockheart at almost no health. He made it! Awesome!
Arah story, the last story quest where you kill Zhaitan.
The quests includes a lot of dragons.
Close-up dragon.
Zhaitan himself! Such a creep.
Going through tactics in Aetherblades. Still my favourite dungeon.
Finished story on Leasandro! (Scroll quick past the following two screenshots for no spoilers, not like you can't predicts what's going to happen...)
My awesome two friends who refuse to revive me.
In the end I only had one poi and vista I missed in World vs World for world completion. I asked in guildchat if anyone wanted to help me out capturing it. Aidan and Mark showed up. While Mark took the wall down me and Aidan were on look out. Even though there was a huge group of people, from the server who's fort we were attacking, running around they didn't come to defend it. Lucky! Thank you Aidan and Mark.
What is this even? A rabbit with antlers?
The heroes that killed Scarlet.
When me, Gabriella and Eric (a new guildy) were exploring and took a small break after a difficult event a charr ran over to us. He asked if we were the new Destiny's edge. It was only then that I realized we all had a different race. Gabriella was on her Sylvari Elementalist, I was on my Norn Elementalist, Smoer on Asura Mesmer and Eric on his Human Guardian. The guy approaching us was a charr! We tried to come up with a name for our new formed group but didn't decide on any.
Exploring with Eric. He fell off a cliff, I tried to get down safely to save him but fell down too.
That's it for now! I'm having a one week Guild Wars 2 break for now, maybe longer. It's time for me to focus on other things again. Per exampme I'm working on an epic GW2 drawing requests I got from Seal (which I'll update about later) and I really should finish my papercraft dragon.