From my father and Ingrid (dad's gf) I got the Premium Edition of Bioshock Infinite. I've been playing it all day today and it's really fun. In the box there was also an art book, key chain, small figure and some codes for in game/xbox continent. From Leyna (dad's gf's daughter) and her boyfriend I got a gun that I connect to my iPhone to play a shooter game on it. It's pretty cool! From Yente (dad's gf's daughter) and her boyfriend I got a €10 coupon for a really nice cook shop. From my brother I got princess chocolate, a calender with a light that you have to connect to your usb from his work and a mix to make some kind of fried dough stuff. We also got lottery tickets from my father but none of us won...
From Gabriella I got bubble wrap paper, a cup with cats and a lot of chocolates!
From Smoer I got this t-shirt.
And from Sonaj I got this sweater from Assassin's Creed that I've been wanting for so long now. It's so cool! (Pictures from the internet)
This was our Christmas tree with all the presents.
For dinner we had fondue but the oil was so warm that I happened to burn a few of my meats...
My cousin's dog, a Shiba Inu.
Sausage sandwiches! I made them and they're just delicious.
Bonus picture: Tipi!
Bonus picture 2: Names of nail polish...