The castle includes:
- Horse stables and living place for the one taking care of the horses
- Blacksmith workplace, blacksmith 'store' and living place for the blacksmith
- Wizard's tower
- Library
- Main hall (dining hall)
- Chapel
- Kitchens, chicken coop and kitchen garden
- Living quarters for servants
- Living quarters for guests/higher placed servants
- Two covered gardens
- Royal quarters (2 bedrooms, library, 2 living rooms and a garden)
- Barracks with sword/archery practice range and prison
Since every room in the castle is filled I'm only showing you parts of it.
Work in progress.
I'm playing in creative, that means I got unlimited blocks of any kind. It also means monsters basically ignore me, which isn't so bad if you see scenes like this.
Town seen from the castle.
The castle
Castle seen from town.
Sword/Archery range.
Main hall.
Kitchen garden.
Royal bedroom.
Courtyard seen from the royal quarters.
Wizard's tower.
Castle at night.