Meanwhile Dino is already level 80 but here he was still a little noob. Killing a Champion with me. We succeeded!
Dino asked me to help with a Skillpoint but we ran into this event. It was a really difficult and big event, there were a lot people too. After killing some Veterans we had to kill 3 Champions, at -the same time! After that another Champion appeared. He was really strong and it had a time limit. We managed to kill it when we had barely 10 seconds left.
Dino told me to play more of my story line so I did. I had to defend an island and a dragon appeared! I didn't have to kill it though, I only had to flee. Laaame.
When Dino reached level 80 he finally went to World vs World. We followed some other people and captured some forts. It was really boring because no one was defending the forts at first. Then the enemy appeared and all we could do is... RUN! There were many of them.
A bit later I logged on my little Asuras Warrior to show him to Dino. He's so adorable but really difficult to train. He's so small. When I get into a fight I can't see myself between all the monster and other players so I simply die. That's why I decided to make a new Warrior.
A Charr Warrior! They're much bigger. But I think Gabriella is a bit intimidated by him.
And guess who also came to play with us... Sonaj! Me and Gabriella ran after him for at least 5 minutes before he noticed it was us following him.
We (um I) invited a random guy in our party and we ran around doing low level quests.
I decided to focus on story line with my Charr. I really want to kill a dragon!
One morning I was playing on my Charr and then clicked Guild Wars away to chat on MSN. Only hours later I realized Guild Wars was still on.
I found my Charr naked. All his armor broke! I was standing aside a rather busy road but also close to monsters. Monsters kept killing me and people kept reviving me. Each time a piece of my armor broke a little. I must have died so many times!
More story line with Dino helping me.
When I was exploring I ran into a veteran that killed me. I got angry and went back for revenge but died again. I asked Gabriella to help me out even though she was a lower level. Together we managed to kill it! Then we moved on to my story quest. We passed a present and I opened it. When you open a present monsters appear. I kind of forgot I wasn't that strong yet so I died. Gabriella wanted to revive me but all the monsters were still around.
She took her time to see what skills would be best to use to save me. When she finally made up her mind the monsters disappeared already. Haha.
In this part of the story line there were like 5 NPC Chars following me. So I went to a big wall and jumped off it. So much fun!!!
Vlad showed up again! He got his own account now but that means he had to start all over. He made a Human Engineer this time.
Gabriella mentioned that our server had most of forts in World vs World so me and Vlad decided to go for map completion there. Dino and Vlad's brother joined us.
Jumping off cliffs.
Fleeing from Veterans that I attacked first. Sorry Vlad!
When I met up with Dino he warned me there were invaders after him. I started to run away but he said: No! Let's fight! So I turned around and faced them. Gabriella, Vlad and his brother where there too. Together we defeat them! Noob power! Oh and check how from the levels 6, 10, 14, 23 and 80 only the level 80 died. Good job Dino.
Thank you Gabriella for screening this.
Dino sleeping in a bush.
Dino wanted to do the winter quest. I said I'd go with him but warned him it was meant for 5 players. Yet, we managed to finish it with 2! It took us a lot of time, we died a lot, but we managed.
Ghost transform. Want.
I went to explore with Dino. I really suck at reaching vistas and Dino showed me how to jump. But he fell! I fell more than 10 times at this vista though. Only at this vista...
Dragon in the air.
It took me at least an half hour to get to the top of this tower.
Dino made a new character. Norn Guardian. I went to the Norn area to quest with him.
Dino mentioned a glitch. He fell down and fell through the map. I wanted to try it too but just died.
Going for map completion in Charr starting area. Gabriella and Dino ran around too.
Chars are very big. Gabriella's Ranger, an Asuras, is very small. We look funny together.
My new hobby: When I see someone walk past a present I open it so they fly away. Yeay!
A random guy started to talk to us. When another Charr passed he started to talk to him too. He asked what Legion (story line stuff) he was in. The guy replied with: I'm Spanish. Haha.
We got lazy and just hanged out on this hill for a while.
Gabriella killed an innocent animal per accident and I told her she'd pay for it. A minute later a Veteran and spawned on her. Then a few ghosts ran to her. Hilarious.
Finally managed to get Gabriella between my legs.