Wednesday 22 August 2012

Rubens Market, cats and more

Every year in August there's a market on the square at the store I work in. The market continues on other squares and streets. Here some pictures I took!




I took this picture yesterday. If you look well to the middle of the picture you see a man playing the sax. He's not really good and keeps playing the same songs over and over again... Yesterday he had a fan though, a dog!


Last week I sat at my computer at suddenly this grasshopper sat on my lamp. It was pretty big.


Later he jumped on my monitor. Kyaa! Also, no! I'm not on Flyff! All lies!


My cats at my father's house aren't doing well... One seems to be having dementia now... He has a dull look in his eyes, we find him on the strangest places (just sitting or lying down), he doesn't listen to his name any more, he doesn't come any more when I feed him, he randomly starts to purr (why he normally never does that) and much more... My dad told me a few days ago that he thinks he won't live a week any more, since he doesn't eat nor drink any more...

-sad face-

He's about 16 years old now.



Presents I got from France.
