Sunday 23 October 2011

My days without Flyff: Day 19 - 26

Another week has passed.

I heard that TwilightDentifrice is not as active any more as it used to be, but it was already going worse with TDF before I left. It makes me wonder what TDF needs to keep on existing and I wonder if TDF can exist without me. I don't blame the less activeness of TDF to me leaving Flyff, I blame it on school and that people want to siege. But as proud leader I just wish secretly that they need me.

Some people quit too. Some people are just fine with it that I don't play any more. Some people just wish me to see around again. When Sabrina asked me when I'd come back to Flyff, because she misses me there, I said that we never talk to each other on Flyff any way. She replied that just seeing me around is enough. That kinda made me happy.

This week I haven't been much different things than past weeks. I've been papercrafting, practising guitar, playing Sims, chatting and surfing on the inter webs. I also baked cookies this week and I'm the proud owner of three new chickens. Friends on the street gave them to me because they're rebuilding their house. They're already 2 years old but they're race chickens so they should live longer than the chickens we usually get. I really wanted new chickens because we had only one chicken left (2 got murdered by a hedgehog and one died a few weeks later, suddenly). I thought that she must feel lonely, being the only chicken in our garden. As soon as I put the new chickens in their cage, our older chicken approached and 'joined' their group. They didn't fight and that made me kind of happy. I'm at my mother's now so I don't know how they're doing fine but as long as my father ain't sending me alarming messages I'm sure they're doing fine. I LOVE CHICKENS! (And Sam.)




(the dark brown chicken is the older one)

Anyway, one week and one more day to go to win my bet with Sam, then I'll be able to play Flyff again. I still don't know if I will, but that does mean free mangas for me!