To get more rooms in our guildhouse we had to do a few quests. The first one I got was killing 2 giants in Darkon 3. I tried to do it alone first, but failed. Then I called the guild together to come hunt with me. We ended up with a full party of guildies! Then we tried to kill the first giant.
It failed though. Later I asked NyKo about it and tried to kill them alone. This time it worked and we got a second extra room. The next quest was winning guildsiege (said the quest) but it meant guildduel. Since we won from IDOL earlier I could complete the quest at once. All rooms open!
After killing the Giants me, Sean and Shehan took a walk back to Darken.
Karlo being good at typing.
Dino being a pervert.
Guild driving me crazy.
Me saying wrong things.... Uff.
After CWing a few times with Flexible we FINALLY managed to kill the CW. Firework!
Playing frogleap in our garden.