Nathaly her Ringmaster disconnected right before Tower siege was about to start. When the timer was on zero, she was still not back but we started to kill the 100 monsters that were waiting on us. It didn't took look till Nathaly could catch up with us again. We kept up with AM all the time. It gave us some hope that we could win.
After killing the 100 monsters and the Mid-Boss we transported to a room where Asmodan was standing. Ready to slaughter us all.
In the beginning we didn't really know what to do. Some screamed for buffs, some died, Nico wanted to get the Captains Nyx dead and I didn't really what to do either. After dieing a few times and (finaly) killing all the Nyx Nico told us we were doing great. He was right. Nathaly was maybe the only Ringmaster but she was great. I lost the partylead during fighting and it took me way too long to realise that I was out of the party, sorry for that, but the rest went fine.
We weren't really happy to suddenly find out that we lost. But I think everyone had a great time and I'm sure we can win next time. I'm thankful that I had this chance to join Tower siege and I hope this wasn't the last time. Great job everyone!