Saturday 10 July 2010

The new login List.

With one of the last maintenance, there were a lot cause hacking issues, the login list changed. The list is now as followed:

1. Glaphan
2. [PvP]Demian (2x EXP)
3. Mushpoie
4. Mia
5. Aibatt
6. Clockworks
7. Kern
8. Lawolf

What changes for us then? More people might come to Demian. They'll click easier on Demian cause it's on the second place and it mentions that we have 2x Exp. I noticed in Flaris that more people, mostly vagrants, run around but I also noticed how much more friend requests I get. I added them all just to see what they wanted. They ALL asked me for money. With all, I really mean everyone who added me last days (expect some people where I trained with). Most of them were even still level 1 and didn't even train yet.

Ara came up with a game. We'd put a shop and put as shop name: Free penya! I won, probably cause my golden H attracts people. Here the screenshots. Welcome to the new Demian full with people who ask for penya!

