Wednesday, 23 March 2016

More bs

More Blade & Soul that is.

I'm planning to level to 45 (max level) and then quit. Or maybe I'll quit before I even reach that. It's a fun game but it's pretty superficial so it's pretty repetitive. But since I still like the game I'll try to reach max level!

The thought bubbles really are a nice extra.

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I made a new character. She's tiny and has a tail and ears. At first I made a summoner. They have a cat as companion and fight with a staff. But after the intro I realized that it was way too slow paced for me so I re-made my character and turned her into a Blade Dancer.

Blade dancers are really agile and fast and I absolutely love them!

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The companion cat I chose.

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As blade dancer.

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Nice scenery, and death.

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Endboss of the first dungeon. We did that dungeon a lot of times because it gives you an upgrade you need for your weapon.

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With one of the party members.

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Yannick made a Destroyer as second character. He's slightly taller than me.

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Gabriella's blade dancer.

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Carrying a baby.

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Healing up in a dungeon (at a place where you usually don't need a heal up at all!)

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My Kungfu master with Yannick's blade master.

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Cute armor.

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Good luck chopping that tree guys.

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A new (boring) map. A desert! Hooray.

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'Press F to talk to the bookshelf.'

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Yannick helping me in a dungeon.

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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Blade & Soul

Yannick wanted to try a new MMO so we looked into a couple and after asking Gabriella to join us we decided to play Blade & Soul.

It's very Asian, which we like of course, and it has some cool features. The most outstanding one is 'skywalking' which is basically... floating through the air!

My class is a Kung Fu fighter, Yannick has a blademaster and a destroyer (big, big axes) and Gabriella started out with a Force Master (something magic) but made a Blade Dancer later on.

My first screenshot is of Yannick who was standing proud on a roof. Good job.

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The armor in this game doesn't really matter. They're pure for appearance.

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The story is heartbreaking and the conversations have a fun extra with a 'though bubble' aside their head.

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Gabriella's Force Master and Yannick's Blade Master.

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This rock split during a quest and almost gave me a heart attack.

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Gabriella's Blade Dancer.

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Walking on water! Because, why not.

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Some armor put you in a sort of 'guild'. It activates a sort of pvp mode where other players and npcs from opposing guilds can attack you.

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Killing a boss.

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Part of the story.

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Aside from skywalking there is something called dragon... something. It's basically portals but instead of boring teleporting you jump on mountains and fly through the air.

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Why, hello there.

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Taking a break.

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It's been a really fun game so far. The skills and combo system is different than in other mmos and the skywalking is just a really enjoyable extra.

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