Friday, 21 August 2015

Veteran and Rihito

I decided to explore the island between Skyrim en Solstenheim so I'd level up to level 50 (veteran rank) and then switch to my other character, Rihito.

I really enjoyed exploring the island, although it's rather small. Just being in a Skyrim-ish environment filled my heart with joy.

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Almost Veteran...

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Veteran! I finally know what it means now, haha. Apparently you got two experience bars? I think... One fills for Veteran rank and the other for Champion points.

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You can spend champion points in these constellations. They're extra skills!

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Statues on a rock near the shore.

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Damn furries.

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Happened to do some blacksmithing shirtless, hehe. (I was upgrading my suit!)

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Ahhhh... Lovely nights in Skyrim...

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After exploring the island I switched to Rihito, my Khajiit Nightblade. He focuses on archery and I try to be stealthy. He also loves stealing things.

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Rihito explores an island called Stonefalls.It's a place in the center of Morrorwind. It has volcanoes and big mushrooms.

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The fun thing about Skyrim is that I'm never sure if other characters I meet are NPCs or other players. In this case I think both? I'm still not sure...

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Nice scenery and awesome guild introduction.

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I've been really lucky with the world bosses on this map. Usually I run to them all alone and end up dead but I've always had help lately!

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I'm pretty sure these are other players.

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I ran into this building that turned out to be a whorehouse or something. I found various of regular gay/straight couples. Some threesomes and...

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Then I found these in the basement...

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Some dungeons...

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Waiting for the boss to spawn.

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This place had geysers. One scared the crap out of me when it popped up right aside me. Not only was there suddenly a big fountain, it also made a lot of noise.

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Yes, the lava kills you. I tried it. A couple of times...

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The cave turned out to be not so bad but I got suspicious when I read the description.

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A Nord exploring by sunset.

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Golem disguise!

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Argonian village. After doing some quests with Argonians I got quite interested in them. Maybe I'll make one some day...

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Khajiit armor.

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Monday, 17 August 2015

Villager hunt

We've almost settled at our new place. Soon we'll start building Atlantis.

Our new house(s) at night. Each building has a different function. We got an enchantment/alchemy building, kitchen, bedroom and storage.

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First sheep.

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New chicken pit.

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Gabriella is constructing the new training room... in the sky. We'll get more monsters spawned in there than underground, hopefully.

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On top of the training room.

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I built another half automated farm. By turning the lights off all the crops get harvested, which makes farming somewhat faster.

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After Gabriella murdered a whole npc village we decided to keep new villagers safe underground. We find zombie villagers and lure them to the storage. There Gabriella turns them into villagers. Then we push them to the basement where they can live in peace.

Our first villager.

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Turning two villagers. Gabriella is delighted by their birth, I just hope they're cheap traders. (They trade various things for emeralds.)

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More bonding.

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Priest refused to go into the basement.

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When I was in the storage I heard a lot of noise. I went down to the villager cave and saw two villagers trying to get through a door. They both kept opening/closing it so neither of them managed to get through.

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After making a typo (raddy instead of ready) I named Gabriella's horse Raddy.

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Minecraft doesnt't have many bugs but this one was the weirdest ever.

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Nice shots.

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When I was farming dirt I yelled my shovel broke so Gabriella got me new shovels with efficiency. The first thing I did was digging under Gabriella. She quickly turned it around though...

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Nice timed screenshot Gab!

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