Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Skyrim Frost Dragon

It only took me two years.
691 pieces, 30 A4 pages.

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Sunday, 3 May 2015


NeocroHero and Leasandro school version because I can and why not!

Friday, 1 May 2015

So much to see

Another week passed in ESO. I'm loving the game every day more and more. The details never stop amazing me and the quests get really interesting.


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Praying with a couple of people from a city that appears and disappears every century or so.

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Random cave.

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Roof of one of the Woodelf buildings.

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Awkward selfie.

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Met this old guy. He had some nice things to say.

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But then his husband died.

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Nope, can't read.

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The two moons of Tamriel.

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I was skeptical when I ran into this maze, thinking it wouldn't be difficult to get out again. Well, it was.

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Thank God these aren't real.

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There are bards in every city. I love listening to their songs.

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Hunting cabin at a waterfall.

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The Wilderking! I tried to save him but failed. Luckily I did find a successor. The Wilderqueen! It was a very emotional quest with flashbacks and such.

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Where are they going???

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Wasn't sure what to do when I encountered a gigantic sea snake.

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Entrance of a Dwarven forge.

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This guy is in every Elder Scrolls game.

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Thanks to a guy that paid me good money for my crafting materials I managed to buy this horse!

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Made a Khajiit Nightblade but haven't really played with him yet.

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Mages guild.

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Awesome white lion. That I killed.

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Showing off on a throne.

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I did a lot of quests with this guy. He eventually died and then got revived which turned him into the Silvernar (some kind of spiritual leader). He's about to be married now. Looking forward to his wedding!

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Found my first treasure using a treasure map here.

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Cabin in a ship.

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Enjoying a ride with my horse.

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Showing off my tattoos.

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A huge big tiger! He was part of a group of performers. I'm glad he was on my side.

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Herrcine. Deadric prince of the hunt.

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Enjoying some more bard music.

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Friendly mammoth.

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Turned into an ugly orc for a quest. Really, couldn't they design a prettier orc?

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Interesting way of sitting.

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Interesting way of dying.

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