Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Time to laugh: GIF

Thank you Tumblr. (Click here to go to my Tumblr!)

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Flyff CS Fashion sets

About two days ago Sonaj mentioned something about Flyff and I asked if I could have any of his CS sets (read as: I demanded it). He showed me what he had and I took some of it. Sadly I couldn't take everything because my Fashion tab in my inventory is almost full.

Some if this I already had. I think I spend my last money on Flyff on CS sets. Haha. Show time!
Note: I use with most of the sets Traditional Chile hands, which look just like 'clean' hands. I also have basic Yakuta shoes but I don't really like them.

Set 1:
Traditional Native American headset, Snowboarder suit, casual shoes

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Set 2:
Yetti hat (I gave the suit and gloves to Sonaj since without the boots that Dino had it just doesn't look that good), Green Sailor suit, Green Sailor shoes

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Set 3:
Mad Hatter's hat, Beach Swimsuit green, black sunglasses

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Set 4:
Complete Casual set

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Complete Hip-hop set

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Set 6:
Complete Kai set

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Set 7:
Helmet of the rising sun, Bushido Yakuta suit

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Extra screenshot! I met a nice guy in the arena (IAmDon) and I hang out with him for a while. He asked me if I would want to go to Colosseum with a friend of his so I joined them. We barely managed to kill the first monster (Khan), after that we gave up. At times like this I really miss Dino as tank!

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Saturday, 20 July 2013

A new Sims 3 story: Part 4

A new Sims 3 story: Part 1
A new Sims 3 story: Part 2
A new Sims story: Party 3

I'll just let some screenshots speak for itself.

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Even though Abbas was a really good boy, he made sure everyone knew if he was upset.

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But everyone loved him. Jasmine grew older so she could also take care of the little guy.

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I started to read books with him, it might be good for his education later on.

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Sonaj and his son...

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Emily got really good at painting. Jasmine preferred to spend her time reading books.

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At weekends when the girls were out with friends, me and Sonaj enjoyed being home alone. We played games in the garden.

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And worked.

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I made sure to keep my eyes on little Abbas though, who would be playing inside.

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Besides her interest in books, Jasmine started to play guitar.

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Working so hard made me really tired sometimes but Sonaj would always watch over me.

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Then, finally, Abbas grew up!

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Living at the beach gave him interest in fishing. He often ran out to go fishing.

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Sonaj stopped working and finally got time to make his own little garden. He planted some seeds and watched them grow.

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Seeing Emily paint made me want to paint too. I wasn't that good at it though.

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Emily graduated, took a part time job at the spa and started to go out a lot.

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Our other two kids were still struggling with their homework.

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Sonaj ordered pizza. Look how happy he is.

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A painting of Emily. We hang them all in our house.

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Sonaj's garden grew well.

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As soon as I reached the top of my career I stopped working too. I wanted to be able to spend as much time with Sonaj as I could.

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Meanwhile Emily finally found a guy she liked.

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Abbas grew into a teenager and we bought a piece of ground far away from the city, at a waterfall. We build a separate house for Emily who wanted to start living alone.

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Abbas started to work out at the local sports club.

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Sonaj went to protest once at the city hall for a city without bugs!

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Living at the waterfall was as a dream for Abbas. There were better fish to catch here than in the sea.

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With the money we got over the years we even build a swimming pool.

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It was a really nice and peaceful place to live.

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